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Join the Brotherhood

Join Today, Complete an Intake Form – a team member will follow up within 72 hours

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Special Cohort for Young Fathers

Fathers aged 18- 29

Connect with young fathers just like you that want to get the most out of their relationships, achieve personal success, and be the best father they can be.

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Dad's Co-parenting Compass


A Guide to Better Communication and Collaboration

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NextLevel Financial Foundations

FREE COURSE! Open to all Program Alumni and waiting list participants

Next Level Financial Foundations is a 7-module curriculum geared to educate and empower participants in the areas of personal finance.

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The I AM DAD. Podcast

Every Sunday

Are you interested in hearing and learning about the journey of fatherhood? Maybe you are just curious about the mind of a man.

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Starting a Business in Georgia

Join Fathers Incorporated and In Prime Legal for a special session on the correct legal steps to starting a business in Georgia.

Ready to join the Brotherhood?

Do you need help with child support, parenting time, legitimation or a supportive network of fathers?

Fatherhood is Brotherhood

If you are a Dad in the Atlanta Metro area age 18-40 with a child 16 and under we want you! 

Join the community of other dads as they learn, share, and grow together with the NextLevel Fatherhood training.

Tribe of Brothers

Become a part of a tribe of brothers navigating the challenges of parenting

Share Experience

Share your experiences and get insights from other fathers participating in the program

Community Development

The training aims to create a strong and long-lasting community of fathers

Resources and Support

Go To The Next Level and Remove the Barriers in

Child Support

Visitation Assistance



Life Coaching

We Want to Hear From You

Do you have a story about how the Gentle Warriors Academy has impacted your life? Please Share everything.

NextLevel Fatherhood

Get Access to Opportunities

In 2020, Fathers Incorporated (FI) was awarded a Healthy Marriage Promotion and Responsible Fatherhood Grant worth $5 million, is geared to impact 900 dads in the metro Atlanta area.

Growth and Opportunities

As participant in this powerful training, dads will have access to world class learning programs, impactful life coaching sessions, life-changing goal achievement strategies and critical fatherhood resources.  

In the News

Morehouse Graduation

Fathers Incorporated partnered with Morehouse College for our September 2022 graduation.

This ceremony represented our final graduation of our second service year we graduated 45 Dads at Sale Hall Chapel. Featured speakers included; Fathers Incorporated CEO Kenneth Braswell and Bishop Darren Ferguson – Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in Orange, NJ.

Alumni Highlights

Meet Our Graduates

Be Involved in the Fathers Incorporated Ecosystem

Free Legitimation Assistance When You Join the Brotherhood

Through a partnership with the Resource Justice Center, Legal Aid, Georgia State and several other supporters we are able to provide legitimation workshops where we help FIRE program graduates and those registered in cohorts understand the process for completing their legitimation paperwork and filing their petitions on-line and in person.

Volunteers from Legal Aid, top law firms, Georgia State law students, FIRE alums and other partners answer questions, and provide examples of properly completed documents.

As a requirement to be eligible for a legitimation 102 session you must watch our Intro to legitimation video and complete the associated in-take questionnaire.

Get exposed to what truly matters!

Are you having a hard time balancing work, family, and personal life, especially in this pandemic? Do you want to unlock your next level of growth and capability?

You-Focused Design

The NextLevel Fatherhood training is crafted into 10 modules and spreads across 10-weeks of learning for members.

Major societal issues such as employment, incarceration, child support, and co-parenting, to mention a few, are hotspots on the program’s schedule.

Therefore, it serves as an excellent place for dads who are trying to navigate these challenges.

Fatherhood is Brotherhood

Hone your skills

Participants will receive vital training in the areas of emotional management, critical systems navigation, relationship communication and leadership development.   

Gentle Warriors Academy

Gentle Warriors Academy is the professional development and training curriculum division of Fathers Incorporated. While we have an intentional focus of strengthening families one father at a time, we are dedicated to serving both parents and their families.

Learn About the Training and Gentle Warriors Academy (GWA) on Our Social Media

Gentle Warriors Academy

Join The Fatherhood Is Brotherhood Community

As the core arm of positive cultural and social change, Fathers Incorporated, Gentle Warriors Academy (GWA), works tirelessly to help dads across the country become responsible fathers.

About Fathers Incorporated (FI)

Established in 2004, FI has a unique seat at the national table, working with leaders in the Congress, Family Law, Business, Faith-Based, and the Responsible Fatherhood Movement.

Unlock Your Next Level of Growth and Capability

Join the Brotherhood Today!

Be a part of the NextLevel Fatherhood program to learn how you can be the best version of yourself alongside other trailblazing fathers.