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Be a part of the NextLevel Fatherhood program to learn how you can be the best version of yourself alongside other trailblazing fathers.

Our in-house sessions bring together the fatherhood is brotherhood tribe together to fellowship, network and engage in peer-to-peer learning. The off-site classes ensure that dads are able to come together and learn from seasoned facilitators anywhere virtually. In contrast, the in-house sessions bring together the brotherhood at the very least.

At the NextLevel Fatherhood training, we provide fathers in metro Atlanta age 18-40 (with children 16 and under) with the tools to unlock the best version of themselves for the benefit of their children and loved ones.

The training is spread across 10 weeks and modules to give space for impactful learning and regular assessment. Besides that, as a participant, you will be integrated into a system containing experts and other dads who are focused on getting themselves and others developed.

In additional to the ample resources we provide, participants will have access to case managers and life coaches that will support your efforts to fulfill the goals and challenges you set for yourself.  

This resource is 100% FREE to you!

Gentle Warriors Academy hosts the NextLevel Fatherhood training to drive real change and impact among fathers in the metro Atlanta area. Funded by the Office of Family Assistance, we work with some of the most experienced hands in the game and have committed several financial and other resources to the program.

Be Involved in the Fathers Incorporated Ecosystem

Hone Your Skills

Unique curriculum that focus on real-life experiences and challenges

Access to Opportunities

Participating dads will have access to world-class learning programs, master life coaches, and tools to empower them to their next level.

You-focused Curriculum

Our curriculum design makes sure your most common concerns are addressed

Join the Brotherhood Today!

Be a part of the NextLevel Fatherhood program to learn how you can be the best version of yourself alongside other trailblazing fathers.