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Daddy Power Hour

Every 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM via Zoom

Resources, Resources, Resources

Each month we bring to you an expert to help you navigate the journey of fatherhood. Topics can include child support, legitimation, custody, finances, relationships, communication, health, careers, employment, business etc.

A Fathers Incorporated Initaitve

Let Us Help You

Fathers Incorporated understands clearly that one of the biggest requests of our agency is resources. Whether it is where can I find a job, how do I get custody of my child, where can I meet other dads like myself or just, who can I call?

Serving Fathers

We make ourselves available and committed to figuring out ways to serve anyone who calls. Atlanta is full of individuals in different disciplines of work, ready and willing to share their knowledge and time with our dads.

Help Us, Help You.

In order to receive help, you have to be willing to open up yourself to obtaining new information. You also have to be bold enough to take corrective criticism and use it to the benefit of your family. 

Join the Brotherhood Today!

Be a part of the NextLevel Fatherhood program to learn how you can be the best version of yourself alongside other trailblazing fathers.