About the Training
Our NextLevel Fatherhood curriculum represents the core focus to aid fathers between 18-40 with children under 16 years of age.
The training provides the tools needed to unlock a better version of themselves for the benefit of their children and loved ones.
About the Curriculum
NextLevel Life Skills
The NextLevel Life Skills curriculum is our prerequisite course of learning designed to develop practical life skills that are transferable throughout all aspects of life to include; interpersonal relationships, careers and employment, business, parenting, etc.
The Modules
The modules are ordered to build on each other, however each one has the ability to stand alone and provide important and productive elements of life skills.
This program is suitable for dads who are determined on liberating themselves and creating a rewarding life for those they care for.
Responsible Fatherhood
We believe in Responsible Fatherhood. Therefore, we work diligently to create a community of thriving men who can sufficiently provide for those they care for, as well as acquire constructive values.
10-week duration
Both the NextLevel Fatherhood and Life Skills training is cleverly spread across ten weeks to facilitate a convenient, effective, and result-oriented experience for all dads.
Virtual Resources
Members will have access to pre-program and post-program resources, including training webinars, live conferences, and more to support their learning.
Alongside hands-on tutorials on how to be more responsible dads, participants will be able to network and learn from communities of fathers of similar experience with our in-house sessions.
10 modules
Training is categorized into smaller accessible units to foster high impact results. This will also give room for assessment of progress and learning-support through case managers and life-coaches.
You-focused curriculum
We focus on real-life issues and scenarios that affect dads across the Atlanta Metro Area. The training curriculum is designed to target these problems in the best way possible.
Supported by Fathers Incorporated
Our 10-week courses are backed by Fathers Incorporated with resources from past events, research, evidence-informed programs, funding, and more to ensure standard and quality delivery.