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Strength of the Father: Affirmations For Black Dads

Welcome to the official webpage of “Strength of the Father: Affirmations For Black Dads”. This transformative journal, curated by Kenneth Braswell, CEO of Fathers Incorporated, is an inspirational guide crafted to uplift, motivate, and affirm the invaluable role of Black fathers.

With profound affirmations and empowering imagery crafted by illustrator Janks Morton, this journal is a journey of self-discovery, reflection, and personal growth.

About the Journal

“Strength of the Father: Affirmations for Black Dads” is more than a journal—it’s a roadmap to personal transformation. Each page encourages fathers to embrace their unique journey, instilling a sense of self-love, resilience, and gratitude.

Inspired by the struggles and triumphs of Black fathers, the affirmations and stories within these pages serve as a testament to the strength, wisdom, and legacy of Black fatherhood.

Author’s Note

A heartfelt message from Kenneth Braswell

This journal is a labor of love and dedication to all Black fathers. As a father myself, I understand the unique challenges and triumphs we face.

My hope is that these affirmations serve as a beacon, guiding you towards deeper self-love, strength, and personal growth.

Get Your Copy

Empower your journey of fatherhood. Tap into the strength, wisdom, and love that resides within you. Embark on this transformative journey. Get your copy of “Strength of the Father: Affirmations For Black Dads” today.

Illustrator’s Corner

Renowned illustrator Janks Morton shares

The art in this journal tells a story – the story of Black fatherhood. It reflects the resilience, the love, the leadership, the joy, and the strength that encapsulates what it means to be a Black dad. It is my hope that these images resonate with you and reinforce your sense of identity and pride.


This website and journal are designed to provide inspiration and affirmation. It does not replace professional mental health advice or services. If you or someone you know is in need of mental health support, please reach out to a healthcare professional.

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