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Daddy Diaper Drive

The campaign’s goal is to elevate a father’s innate desire to contribute to the well-being of his children that extends beyond his ‘paycheck’ or his ability to provide.


Campaign by Fathers Incorporated

Fathers Incorporated launched its Daddy Diaper Drive in partnership with Huggies, Love Beyond Walls, Helping Mamas and Furthering Fathering in 2019. The drive’s focus was to serve local low-income fathers 25 years of age and younger.

Jumpstart from Huggies

Over 15,000 Diapers and other resources was donated and collected for the effort. With a jumpstart from Huggies with 10,000 diapers and wipes; designated barbershops and other businesses in the Atlanta metro-area served as “drop-off” locations for the Daddy Diaper Drive.

The Mission

Why Daddy Diaper Drive?

When Kimberly-Clark first brought the issue of diaper need to the forefront in 2010, with the groundbreaking Huggies Every Little Bottom study that revealed one in three U.S. moms suffer from the inability to provide fresh, clean diapers for their babies.

One small yet important detail was not mentioned. 

One of the best and most proven ways to improve the well-being of mothers and children, is to build the capacity of the fathers who love and are responsible for them. And ‘Daddy Diaper Drive’ was born. 

Empowering Dads

Our Impact

Many of our dads struggle personally and professionally with lack or no access to quality support or resources plagued by implicit and explicit systemic racial bias that goes from mental wellness to workforce, financial/economic, judicial to quality outcomes educationally, financially or health-wise.

Supporting Families in Need

Therefore, our Daddy Diaper Drive provides this assistance as a small token of support for local fathers in need. Our hope is to play a role to engage and empower fathers especially when it seems they are an anomaly.

In 2019, there were about 1.05 million Black families with a single father living in the United States.

Statista Research Department

How Can I Help?

The Daddy Diaper Drive will take place from June 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021. Diapers Can be donated in several ways.

There are currently 2.6 million single-dad households with kids under 18 in the United States.

Organization for Economic Co-operation and development (OECD)

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